
I am Sorry ..

For all the months that you've known me baby
You can't figure out the reason why lately i've been acting so cold
"If there's a problem we should work it out" you said
But i still gave you the cold shoulder
Like i didn't even wanna talked to you ..

OK I know I made a huge mistake

"Why are you making this thing drag on so long?" You asked
"Im sick and tired of this silly game" I said
"What silly game?"
"Tell me ! What a silly game for you?!"
"Us .."

We both silent

"All of this months then you think it's just a silly game,huh?"
"Don't think that I'm the only one here to blame" I said
"So who else?!! It's just not about you or me .it's all about US ! then you called it silly ! So who's fault? Me?? I'm the only one who had tried hard --SO HARD to work this-silly-game out ! Not me who's been going round slamming doors when we argue ! Not me who's ... ahhhh ! Forget it !"

That's when you turned and said to me

"I don't care babe who's right or wrong.. I'm tired . And you know what? I just don't love you no more . It's over .."

Rain outside my window pouring down
Your gone, my fault, I'm sorry
Feeling like a fool cause I let you down
Now i know its too late to turn it around
Im sorry for the tears I made you cry
I guess this time it really is goodbye
You made it clear when you said "...I just don't love you no more."

You gave me all your reason to made this thing work but i didn't want to hear .
As you look away, I can see a tear roll down your face
That's when you turned and said to me "...I just don't love you no more."

Those simple words hit so hard
They turned my whole world upside down
Boy, you caught me completely off guard
On that day you said to me "...I just don't love you no more."

And at the same time i realized that im deeply in love with you .

I am sorry ..

it really happened to me . With who?? Have a guess ;)

a verry yuppy cupcakes

Let's talk about C-U-P-C-A-K-E-S !

Semua pasti uda tau dan mungkin uda pernah ngerasain yang namanya cupcakes . Sebenernya kalo ngomongin soal rasa nggak jauh beda sama brownies, bentuknya juga kecil --nggak ngenyangin malah berkalori .and a LOT of 'em .
Anehnya,sepupu aku yang gendut -- nggak ngucap merk yaaaaa haha dia yang gila cupcakes selalu bilang 'who need boys? cupcakes are better!' buseeeeeet ..! nggak heran di umur dia yang ke 27 belom nikah nikah juga -- atau mungkin dia mau nikah sama cupcakes berbentuk laki laki?

Terus apa dong yang ngebuat cupcakes menarik? Wiiii everybody's know tampilannya itulooooh yahuuud hahaha bikin orang ngiler dan suka sayang kalo dimakan . Suka ada perasaan bersalah yang amat mendalam walaupun cupcakesnya cuma dijilat wehehehe . Gatau kenapa hari ini aku lagi ngidam cupcakes . Daripada beli -- udah bikin duit abis ; bikin gendut juga, i brought you some (cuties cupcakes) picture . Enjoy !

cute,isn't it?

fortune cookie said ..

my cousin gave it to me yesterday :)



I saw American Idol season 8 and ..... GOSH !! Adam Lambert drives me totally crazy ! He didn't make it to became an american idol .He's just a runner up . I think he's quite sexy hahaha :D

Tapi langsung ilfeel pas liat dia perform duet sm KISS di final american idol dan bajunya ituloh anjrit heboh benerrr pake sayap sayap segala dengan sepatu segede gaban ala rocker anjeeeeeeeh metal ! hahaha (fotonya gabisa ke upload gatau kenapa yaaa lo bayangin aja dia kaya begitu hehe pokonya ga baaaanget) .and you know what? HE'S GAY ! yuuuuckks !akakakak ga penting sumpah deh gue ngetik ini sambil ngelindur .
Hari ini gue insoooooom ! Grrrr jam 3 pagi baru bisa tidur . Heran . Biasanya jam 10 malem (kalo ga kemana mana) uda tepar hehehe mana besok banya les buat nyiapin ujian kenaikan kelas . Zzzzz cape bangetlah edan bentar lagi kelas 3 pula siap siap uan blablabla ribet benerrrr masih pengen maen ;(
God pleeeeeaaaseeeeee kasi waktu 1 taun lagi .. at least 6 months deh ya mau banyak banyakin maen hehehehe

first post yeaaaaay !

Wiiiiii finally aku bikin blog HEHEH apasih -_-'

Sebenernya uda dari lama aku punya blog tapi yang ini yang bakal serius wahahaha kaya apaan aja . Well,in my first post here aku cuma mau posting foto aja . Foto kalung baru yang hari ini aku beli di cihampelas hehehe not from boutique or some branded store tapi dari toko pinggir jalan dan harganya lumayan murah cuma 17 ribuan aja :)ting ting .

Kalungnya bernuansa indian indian gitu (bukan INDIA yaaa) haaa ada gambar muka orang indian yang kayanya lebih keliatan kaya setan daripada orang indian . (ooopss,i don't mean it .sorry) waaaaaks just look at the picture ..